These FHIR Observation endpoints are a partial implementation of the FHIR DSTU2 specification. We will consider expanding these and adding additional FHIR endpoints, as well as future versions, based on usage and requests from API users.

Gets a list of observations about a given patient.



Returns the list of Observations. Date filtering does not apply for the social-history category.

Input Parameters


patientintegerThe patient ID (same as “PATIENTID” in non-FHIR calls).
datestringFilter results within a specific time period or date. For the laboratory category, date filtering applies to the date the lab was ordered, not the date of the lab results. Prefix: eq – specific, le – inclusive less, lt – exclusive less, ge – inclusive greater, gt – exclusive greater, separate start and end date with space. Example: ge2015-06-1 le2015-06-22
categorystringObservation category code. Usable codes: social-history, laboratory and vital-signs
codestringOne or more LOINC codes (comma delimited).
THIRDPARTYUSERNAMEstringUser name of the patient in the third party application.
PATIENTFACINGCALLbooleanWhen ‘true’ is passed we will collect relevant data and store in our database.

Output Parameters

categoryobjectClassification of type of observation
codingobjectObservation Category Coding
codingarrayCode defined by a terminology system
codestringSymbol in syntax defined by the system
displaystringRepresentation defined by the system
systemstringIdentity of the terminology system
textstringPlain text representation of the concept
textstringObservation Category
codeobjectType of observation (code / type)
codingobjectObservation Coding
codingarrayCode defined by a terminology system
codestringSymbol in syntax defined by the system
displaystringRepresentation defined by the system
systemstringIdentity of the terminology system
textstringPlain text representation of the concept
textstringObservation Code
componentarrayComponent results
codeobjectType of component observation (code / type)
codingarrayCode defined by a terminology system
codestringSymbol in syntax defined by the system
displaystringRepresentation defined by the system
systemstringIdentity of the terminology system
textstringPlain text representation of the concept
valuequantityobjectActual component result
codestringCoded form of the unit
systemstringSystem that defines coded unit form
unitstringUnit representation
valuenumberNumerical value (with implicit precision)
dataabsentreasonobjectWhy the result is missing
codingarrayCode defined by a terminology system
codestringSymbol in syntax defined by the system
displaystringRepresentation defined by the system
systemstringIdentity of the terminology system
textstringPlain text representation of the concept
effectivedatetimestringClinically relevant time/time-period for observation
encounterobjectHealthcare event during which this observation is made
displaystringText alternative for the resource
referencestringRelative, internal or absolute URL reference
idstringLogical id of this artifact
issuedstringDate/Time this was made available
referencerangearrayProvides guide for interpretation
highobjectHigh Range, if relevant
codestringCoded form of the unit
systemstringSystem that defines coded unit form
unitstringUnit representation
valuenumberNumerical value (with implicit precision)
lowobjectLow Range, if relevant
codestringCoded form of the unit
systemstringSystem that defines coded unit form
unitstringUnit representation
valuenumberNumerical value (with implicit precision)
meaningobjectIndicates the meaning/use of this range
codingarrayCode defined by a terminology system
codestringSymbol in syntax defined by the system
displaystringRepresentation defined by the system
systemstringIdentity of the terminology system
textstringPlain text representation of the concept
relatedarrayResource related to this observation
targetobjectResource that is related to this one
displaystringText alternative for the resource
referencestringRelative, internal or absolute URL reference
typestringhas-member | derived-from | sequel-to | replaces | qualified-by | interfered-by
resourcetypestringThe type of resource
statusstringregistered | preliminary | final | amended | cancelled | entered-in-error | unknown
subjectobjectWho and/or what this is about
displaystringText alternative for the resource
referencestringRelative, internal or absolute URL reference
valuecodeableconceptobjectActual result
codingobjectObservation coding
codingarrayCode defined by a terminology system
codestringSymbol in syntax defined by the system
displaystringRepresentation defined by the system
systemstringIdentity of the terminology system
textstringPlain text representation of the concept
valuequantityobjectActual result
codestringCoded form of the unit
systemstringSystem that defines coded unit form
unitstringUnit representation
valuenumberNumerical value (with implicit precision)
valuestringstringActual result

Gets a single result observation



Observation (laboratory test and result) resource from given ID

Input Parameters


patientintegerThe patient ID (same as “PATIENTID” in non-FHIR calls).

Output Parameters

Expand all

categoryobjectClassification of type of observation
codeobjectType of observation (code / type)
effectivedatetimestringClinically relevant time/time-period for observation
idstringLogical id of this artifact
referencerangearrayProvides guide for interpretation
resourcetypestringThe type of resource
statusstringregistered | preliminary | final | amended | cancelled | entered-in-error | unknown
subjectobjectWho and/or what this is about
valuecodeableconceptobjectActual result
valuestringstringActual result

Get an social history observation by ID



Observation (social history) resource from given ID

Input Parameters

patientintegerThe patient ID (same as “PATIENTID” in non-FHIR calls).
THIRDPARTYUSERNAMEstringUser name of the patient in the third party application.
PATIENTFACINGCALLbooleanWhen ‘true’ is passed we will collect relevant data and store in our database.

Output Parameters

categoryobjectClassification of type of observation
codingarrayCode defined by a terminology system
codestringSymbol in syntax defined by the system
displaystringRepresentation defined by the system
systemstringIdentity of the terminology system
textstringPlain text representation of the concept
codeobjectType of observation (code / type)
codingarrayCode defined by a terminology system
codestringSymbol in syntax defined by the system
displaystringRepresentation defined by the system
systemstringIdentity of the terminology system
textstringPlain text representation of the concept
idstringLogical id of this artifact
issuedstringDate/Time this was made available
resourcetypestringThe type of resource
statusstringregistered | preliminary | final | amended | cancelled | entered-in-error | unknown
subjectobjectWho and/or what this is about
displaystringText alternative for the resource
referencestringRelative, internal or absolute URL reference
valuecodeableconceptobjectActual result
codingarrayCode defined by a terminology system
codestringSymbol in syntax defined by the system
displaystringRepresentation defined by the system
systemstringIdentity of the terminology system
textstringPlain text representation of the concept

Get an individual vital by ID



Observation (vital sign) resource from given ID

Input Parameters

patientintegerThe patient ID (same as “PATIENTID” in non-FHIR calls).

Output Parameters

categoryobjectClassification of type of observation
codingarrayCode defined by a terminology system
codestringSymbol in syntax defined by the system
displaystringRepresentation defined by the system
systemstringIdentity of the terminology system
textstringPlain text representation of the concept
codeobjectType of observation (code / type)
codingarrayCode defined by a terminology system
codestringSymbol in syntax defined by the system
displaystringRepresentation defined by the system
systemstringIdentity of the terminology system
textstringPlain text representation of the concept
dataabsentreasonobjectWhy the result is missing
codingarrayCode defined by a terminology system
codestringSymbol in syntax defined by the system
displaystringRepresentation defined by the system
systemstringIdentity of the terminology system
textstringPlain text representation of the concept
effectivedatetimestringClinically relevant time/time-period for observation
encounterobjectHealthcare event during which this observation is made
displaystringText alternative for the resource
referencestringRelative, internal or absolute URL reference
idstringLogical id of this artifact
resourcetypestringThe type of resource
statusstringregistered | preliminary | final | amended | cancelled | entered-in-error | unknown
subjectobjectWho and/or what this is about
displaystringText alternative for the resource
referencestringRelative, internal or absolute URL reference
valuequantityobjectActual result
codestringCoded form of the unit
systemstringSystem that defines coded unit form
unitstringUnit representation
valuenumberNumerical value (with implicit precision)